★ 泰克P5205A差分探头特点:
● 高达200 MHz 的带宽
● 高达6000 V 的差分电压(DC + 峰值AC)
● 高达2,300 V 的共模电压(RMS)
● 过量程指示灯
● 经过安全认证
● 可切换衰减
● 可切换带宽限制
★ 泰克P5205A差分探头应用:
● 浮地测量
● 开关电源设计
● 马达驱动器设计
● 电子镇流器设计
● CRT 显示器设计
★ 英文介绍:
【Features & Benefits】
Bandwidths up to 100 MHz
Up to 5,600 V Differential (DC + pk AC)
Up to 2,300 V Common (RMS)
Overrange Indicator
Safety Certified
Switchable Attenuation
Switchable Bandwidth Limit
Floating Measurements
Switching Power Supply Design
Motor Drive Design
Electronic Ballast Design
CRT Display Design
Power Converter Design and Service
Power Device Evaluation
The P5200A can be used with any oscilloscope and enables users to safely make measurements of floating circuits with their oscilloscope grounded. The P5200A Active Differential Probe converts floating signals to low-voltage ground-referenced signals that can be displayed safely and easily on any ground-referenced oscilloscope.
WARNING: For safe operation, do not use the P5200A High-voltage Differential Probe with oscilloscopes that have floating inputs (isolated inputs), such as the Tektronix TPS2000 Series oscilloscopes. The P5200A High-voltage Differential Probe requires an oscilloscope or other measurement instrument with grounded inputs.
The P5210A is a Differential Probe that is capable of measuring floating voltages up to 5,600 V safely and has a bandwidth up to 50 MHz. It is supplied with two sizes of hook tips and has an overrange visual and audible indicator which warns the user when they are exceeding the linear range of the probe. It can be used with Tektronix TEKPROBE? interface oscilloscopes directly or with any oscilloscope with the use of the 1103 TEKPROBE? Power Supply.
深圳市金厚德电子科技有限公司 公司地址:深圳市龙岗区黄阁路天汇大厦506 技术支持:化工仪器网扫一扫 更多精彩